Graph attributes#


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The Graph class and its subclasses contain several attributes regarding the properties of the edges and nodes. Edges attributes are contained in the graph dictionary; more complex properties about the biological details of the nodes/neurons are contained in the NeuralPop member of the Graph. These are briefly described in Properties of graph components; a more detailed description is provided here.

Attributes and graph libraries#

Usual graph libraries can store node and edge properties; as an example, many graphs are weighted and these weights can then be used to compute other properties such as weighted centralities, which is why it is interesting to have those properties stored in the basic graph library class.

The file contains the _GtEProperty and _GtNProperty classes which allow a generic interactions with the various libraries ways of storing properties.

However, several problems occurs:

  • for graph_tool, the edge properties are stored in a linear array that is not directly related to the adjacency matrix, thus difficult to handle; this could however be avoided by multiplying the adjacency matrix by the property of interest…

  • but for igraph, there is not straightforward way to obtain a scipy adjacency matrix multiplied by an edge property…

To get rid of those problems, the (possibly temporary) solution adopted is to have the weights (synaptic strength) and types (inhibitory or excitatory) attributes stored both in the graph library object and in the Graph container.

The libraries indices the edges in the order they are created; because of this, weights must be added to the library using the edge list, which is stored inside the Graph container (access it through the ''edges'' key). The addition is performed in the following way: let lil_matrix_attribute contain the attribute of interest and network be the graph container to which we want to add the property, then the following code is used,

sources, targets = network["edges"][:,0], network["edges"][:,1]
list_ordered_weights = lil_matrix_attribute[sources,targets].data[0]
    "weight", "double", values=list_ordered_weights)

Use of attributes in a graph object#

This allows for fast graph filtering: we can keep only the edges or nodes we are interested in.

This property is invaluable if you want to study the graph properties of only the inhibitory network or look a the squeleton of the strongest synapses in the graph…


This mixed format is not too good… I should either store everything in the container or in the library graph.

Library graph:
  • difficult to manage

  • but users can use the library on the graph

  • if I cannot provide a fast conversion, it will be bad to interact with NEST

  • easier to manage

  • but need to convert for the analysis functions

  • users cannot use the library as the graph misses its attributes

  • optimized for NEST interactions